
The Real Reason Why US-Turkey Relations Have Hit an All-Time Low

Over the past week, US-Turkey relations have hit an all-time low, but how did these two allies end up at odds with each other? (GPA Op-ed) — If you’ve been watching the news over the past week you may think the current hostility between Washington and Ankara is about the US pastor, Andrew Brunson. Brunson, who has […]

“Missiles” of an “Economic War” Launched at Turkey, Warns Erdogan

(MEE) — President Tayyip Erdogan denied on Saturday that Turkey is in a currency crisis, dismissing a plunge in the lira as ‘fluctuations’ unrelated to the country’s economic fundamentals. Speaking after US President Donald Trump doubled tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminium imports, Erdogan described Friday’s 18 percent fall in the lira to a record low as […]

Stephen Cohen DEMOLISHES neocon tool Max Boot on CNN (Video)

Russia scholar Stephen Cohen absolutely destroys neocon pundit Max Boot after Boot called Cohen a “Russia apologist” on CNN.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the two men if the American public should be concerned about US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin having a two-hour meeting behind closed doors during a summit in Helsinki, with only their two interpreters to witness the meeting.

Republican Leaders Say Putin Not Welcome in Capitol, But 87% of Republican Voters Want Another Trump-Putin Meeting

A recent poll found that 54% of Americans approved of Trump meeting again with Putin in the Fall, and an overwhelming 87% of Republicans backed the proposal. Nevertheless, top Republicans Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have put thumbs down on the meeting, which begs the question- who are they representing if not their constituents? [...]

Does an Elected President or an Unelected Intelligence Community Govern the US

The madness that gripped liberals and neocons within the Western political, media, and security establishments, over the sight of a US president having the temerity to treat his Russian counterpart – Vladimir Putin – as an equal rather than colonial vassal who knows his place, was and is more pronounced than anyone could have expected. Indeed in the wake of the Helsinki […]

Trump – Putin Meeting, Mass Media Meltdown & Disney Dystopia – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

This episode explores the MSM freak out over the Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki, a look back to the origin moment of the reincarnated McCarthyism imposed upon the USA by the MSM, a follow up to the talk on a giant Hollywood turd called “The First Purge”, the #WalkAway hashtag being subverted by the MSM to be a “Russia Did It” hashtag, American College/University systems turning youth into literal communists, tolerant Liberals who throw feces at people who disagree with their open border desires and much more.

Kevin MacDonald - Leftists Think Trump-Putin Meeting in Helsinki Was "Anti-American" & Big Tech's War on Nationalists - Hour 1

Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a PhD in Biobehavioral Sciences and is an expert on Jewish influence and identity. He is the editor of The Occidental Observer, an online publication that focuses on White identity, White interests, and the culture of the West. Kevin is also the author of numerous books, including The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements.
A video version of this show is available here.