
Russia-Zimbabwe Relations

Submitted by Serban V.C. Enache…
Emmerson Mnangagwa, the President of Zimbabwe, visited Moscow in January to secure close economic cooperation with Russia and seek aid. Zimbabwe is currently facing runaway inflation, a shortage of foreign exchange balances, fuel stocks, food, and pharmaceuticals. Mnangawa declared 2019 as the year of “rebuilding,” wants Zimbabwe to catch pace with its more developed neighbors, and seeks to break the country’s 20 year-long isolation epoch by reaching out to the Russian Federation.

Clashes in northeastern Syria put Turkish-Russian Memorandum at risk

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Sarah Abed, independent journalist and analyst… 
On Tuesday, exactly two weeks after Ankara launched its cross border military operation “Operation Peace Spring”, in northern Syria east of the Euphrates River, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met in Sochi for what proved to be a lengthy diplomatic discussion that resulted in an agreement that sets the stage for de-escalating tensions in that region.

Putin & Erdogan in Sochi: US, Turkey & Russia take further step towards peace in Syria (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the historic marathon meeting in Sochi between Russian President Putin and Turkish President Erdogan where the two leaders agreed to a deal which moves a final peace settlement in Syria closer than ever.
Russia will assist the Syrian government and its military to control northern Syria, while Turkey’s concerns related to the Kurdish presence in the north were effectively addressed.

Zelensky fights powerful oligarchs now emboldened by Ukrainegate hoax

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Ukraine President Zelensky’s challenging first few months in office, where cleaning up corruption is proving to be a difficult, if not impossible, task for a man with little to no political experience.
The Trump-Ukraine witch hunt is providing ammunition needed by ruling oligarchs, who appear to be conspiring to remove the new president before he can begin to reform the country.
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