
Statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Russia’s proposal to convene meeting of heads of state of UN Security Council permanent members with participation of heads of Germany and Iran

http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/63888 Debates around the Iranian issue within the UN Security Council are becoming increasingly strained. Tensions are running high. Iran faces groundless accusations. Resolutions are being drafted with a view to dismantling decisions that

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris duo delights liberals… but why? [Video]

I got in trouble with one of my dearest liberal friends today. A social media thread noted that some people were referring to Kamala Harris, “Joe Biden’s pick”** for Vice President going into the November elections, as a “Ho” (vernacular in English for the more rude form of the word “prostitute.”) I actually tried to stick up for not calling Senator Harris names (as a sure sign that one has the losing argument) and to instead insist on getting questions answered about policy – in particular, these questions:

A different story: how Russia is handling the Coronavirus pandemic [Video]

With all the crazy shifting narratives in American news about Coronvirus – the availability of treatments, the effectiveness of masks, the ineffectiveness of masks, the persecution of Christians who want to go to Church and pray and receive Holy Communion, the comparative safety of riots and attacking people, statues and buildings who are deemed “racist” by historically ignorant overgrown teenagers who are too stoned to think straight…
Well, you get the idea.

The most dangerous thing about Coronavirus is the news about it [Video]

Over the last ten days, I have been watching and reading the news from the US on the coronavirus spike of late, trying to find any sensible pattern or reasoning behind it. Since I live in Moscow, where we are down to a daily reported new infection rate in the 500’s to 600’s, life has largely returned to normal, but the news from the United States appears to scream of a “second wave” that will be far worse than the first one.

Russia’s Political Stability Ensured While the West Sinks

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog:
Despite what American and European commentators may think, there really is a deep desire among people to vote for their own sovereignty. And that impulse was on full display last week with the announcement of the results of Russia’s public vote to approve the changes to its constitution.