
Merkel Backs Down to Putin on Navalny, Nord Stream 2

Merkel Backs Down to Putin on Navalny, Nord Stream 2 News Topic 8: Telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel Telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel The two leaders wished each other Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. They discussed cooperation in tackling the coronavirus pandemic, with an emphasis […]

Crackdown on Big Tech censorship…from PUTIN

Crackdown on Big Tech censorship…from PUTIN ****News Topic 237***** Putin Signs Law Enabling Sanctions On US Social Media Giants That ‘Label’ & Restrict Russian Content Putin Signs Law Enabling Sanctions On US Social Media Giants That ‘Label’ & Restrict Russian Content During this holiday period while not many in the West are watching, Russia’s Vladimir […]

Now that Navalny has proven useless, a NEW ANTI-PUTIN “star is born”

Now that Navalny has proven useless, a NEW ANTI-PUTIN “star is born” The Duran: Episode 840. Moscow police question Navalny associate Sobol over claims she ‘violently’ broke into apartment of alleged FSB poison team member Moscow police question Navalny associate Sobol over claims she ‘violently’ broke into apartment of alleged FSB poison team member Russian […]

Why China is NOT your Enemy (and what really controls Canada and the US Deep State)

From the Canadian Patriot Review Is China truly the enemy of the west or is there a major psy op underway to deflect attention from the actual causal hand of British intelligence and direct the attention of fools towards “evil totalitarian China”? The fact that George Soros explicitly attacked the two greatest threats to his […]

The Art of Political Lying (or ‘The 1688 Origins of the British Deep State’)

Originally published on the Strategic Culture Foundation With idle tales this fills our empty ears; The next reports what from the first he hears; The rolling fictions grow in strength and size, Each author adding to the former lies. Here vain credulity, with new desires, Leads us astray, and groundless joy inspires; The dubious whispers, […]

Putin explains Nagorno-Karabakh policy during controversial press Q & A

Putin explains Nagorno-Karabakh policy during controversial press Q & A The Duran: Episode 800 Replies to media questions on developments in Nagorno-Karabakh Replies to media questions on developments in Nagorno-Karabakh Question: Mr President, a week has passed since the signing of a most important statement by Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia. How do you assess the […]