
For Russian leftists, Western favorite Navalny represents same corrupt elitism

Western politicians and media pundits portray Alexei Navalny as the leader of the Russian opposition. But Russian leftists see something quite different: a representative of a different faction of the Russian elite, who backs continued neoliberal policies and aligns with destabilizing NATO-backed actors. The imprisoned Russian anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny has been held up in the West as the poster child of the Russian opposition. Two Russian leftists, Katya Kazbek and Alexey Sakhnin discuss why they don’t see Navalny as […]

Viral Putin Palace hoax. Russia tells Biden White House to take a hike

Viral Putin Palace hoax. Russia tells Biden White House to take a hike ****News Topic 276***** Kremlin Tells US ‘Back Off’ Navalny Case As Viral ‘Putin Palace’ Story Deflated Kremlin Tells US ‘Back Off’ Navalny Case As Viral ‘Putin Palace’ Story Deflated For a second straight weekend, Sunday saw more protests break out across major […]

On Corruption, U.S. Accusations Against Russia Are the Pot’s Calling the Kettle Black

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture Gallup’s polling in Russia and in the United States finds almost identically high percentages of the public saying “Yes” to the question “Is corruption widespread throughout the government in this country, or not?” — 77% in Russia and 75% in America say “Yes” to that. However, one of […]

Putin delivers anti-globalist Davos speech. Macron delivers pro-globalist Davos speech

Putin delivers anti-globalist Davos speech. Macron delivers pro-globalist Davos speech The Duran: Episode 874 DAVOS 2021: French president Emmanuel Macron says modern capitalism ‘can no longer work’ DAVOS 2021: French president Emmanuel Macron says modern capitalism ‘can no longer work’ French president Emmanuel Macron has warned modern capitalism “can no longer work,” urging global leaders […]

Putin warns of Big Tech monopoly power during Davos speech

Putin warns of Big Tech monopoly power during Davos speech ****News Topic 270***** Putin Warns Big Tech Poses a Threat to ‘Legitimate Democratic Institutions.’ Putin Says Big Tech Is “Competing With States” Putin criticized the growing influence of U.S. social media, saying their impact now puts them in competition with elected governments. Vladimir Putin warns […]

Biden Asks Putin For Nuclear Deal

Biden Asks Putin For Nuclear Deal News Topic 29: Russian intelligence assessment planned as Biden eyes renewal of nuclear treaty: Report Russian intelligence assessment planned as Biden eyes renewal of nuclear treaty: Report President Biden’s new spy chief is reportedly preparing a comprehensive intelligence assessment about Russia as his administration plans to renew a key […]

Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi Blame Putin for 6/1, Call Trump ‘Putin Puppet’

Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi Blame Putin for 6/1, Call Trump ‘Putin Puppet’ ‎You and Me Both with Hillary Clinton: Bonus Episode: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Apple Podcasts ‎The week after the attack on the Capitol, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins Hillary for a candid, no-holds-barred conversation. In a detailed firsthand account of what Speaker […]