
The China Factor in the Meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden

The meeting between Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, held on June 16 in Geneva, was certainly a notable event in modern politics. As expected, it garnered attention among the public for a variety of reasons. And the interest in the summit has continued to grow due […]

Soviet Weimar: The Harbinger of Revolution Intensifies - FF Ep125

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Henrik and Lana cover some of the latest news and recent events in episode 125 of Flashback Friday.
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What will Putin and Biden Talk About?

The closer the possible meeting between Putin and Biden gets, the more hype around it arises, sometimes turning into  . Especially, of course, in recent days, Western observers and politicians have become sophisticated, adopting the tactics of the “Soviets” from the collapsed Soviet Union (USSR). The Western media is in intensive mode assessing the prospects […]

Syrians reject the US ‘regime change’ and re-elect President Assad

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/05/28/syrians-reject-the-us-regim… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was re-elected to a fourth term in office, his second term under the 2012 constitution, with 95.1% of the votes, according to Hamouda Sabbagh, the head of parliament. Sabbagh announced the results in a news conference on Thursday, saying voter turnout was around 78%, […]

Crazy coverage of news food for liberal manipulation [Video]

In this time, it is honestly very difficult to track down any real stories in the news, so the surfacing of this story seemed amazing given its grave level of seriousness, yet its absence in the mainstream media. The website Republican Daily reports that the largest pipeline in the United States, the Colonial Pipeline, was ordered shut […]

Putin Warns US of Russia’s Red Lines

Putin Warns US of Russia’s Red Lines News Topic 123 Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly The ceremony was attended by the senators of the Russian Federation, State Duma deputies, members of the Government, the heads of the Constitutional and Supreme courts, regional governors, speakers of regional legislatures, the […]

Russia Increases Its Defense, While U.S. Backs Down From Provoking WW III

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture Ever since Joe Biden became America’s President in January, America’s hostile and threatening actions and rhetoric against (as Biden refers to him) the ‘killer’ Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President, have made clear to Putin that the U.S. Government’s determination to impose regime-change upon Russia will continue undiminished. This hostility […]