
Buzzfeed Tanks, Fitness Fascism, Multiracial Whiteness, Putin’s Swastikas, WEF Food Shortage Warning - FF Ep161

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Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 161 of Flashback Friday.
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2 Years On: The vital lesson Covid can teach us about Ukraine

Kit Knightly Yesterday marked exactly two years since the UK went into our first lockdown, just “three weeks to flatten the curve”. Several months later the lockdown stopped. Then it started again around Christmas. There was never, ever, any justification for the lockdown. Lockdowns don’t work to halt the spread of disease, even if they …

No-Go Zone: Lentils, Lab-Grown Fish & Pedophile-Positive For SCOTUS?

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest news in episode 95 of No-Go Zone.
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‘Muh Racism,’ A Man Is Woman Of The Year & Zelensky Awarded Nobel Peace Prize? - FF Ep160

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 160 of Flashback Friday.
Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1900 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new videos are made available to members first.

US has created conflicts to pressure Russia and China

US has created conflicts to pressure Russia and China Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The conflict in Ukraine has divided the world into those who support the US, and those who do not support a superpower in charge of the world. Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator   The conflict in Ukraine has divided […]

Look what N-n-n Nancy Pelosi did. Nazis in Congress. [Video]

What does “Slava Ukraina!” actually mean? Well, it means, literally, “Glory to Ukraine!” Doesn’t it sound a bit odd to offer glory to a nation? That is because it is. “Glory to Ukraine!” or alternatively “Glory to the Heroes!” are both salutations by the neo-Nazi group known as the Azov Battalion, or Azov Brigade. Does […]

VIDEO: Former top Pentagon advisor Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine war

Former senior advisor the Secretary of Defense Col. Doug Macgregor joined Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate for a candid, live discussion of the Russia-Ukraine war. Col. Macgregor analyzed the battlefront as Russia advanced on Ukrainian positions and offered a withering assessment of the “NATOization” of Ukraine and the role of neoconservatives and the “uni-party” in driving the war from Washington. Guest: Douglas Macgregor, retired US Army Colonel and former Pentagon senior advisor.   TRANSCRIPT MAX BLUMENTHAL:  Welcome, Colonel Macgregor, to […]

Ukrainian Army holding Mariupol brings residents into secretly bomb-set drama-theater there, blows them up, announces Russia bombed it.

Eric Zuesse On Wednesday, March 16th, Russia’s Tass news agency headlined “Azov battalion militants blow up Mariupol theater building — Defense Ministry”, and reported: Militants of the Azov nationalist battalion blew up the Mariupol theater building, which they rigged with explosives earlier, Russian Defense Ministry announced Wednesday. The Defense Ministry debunked Kiev’s accusations of an […]