
LIONEL PODCAST: Our Orchestrated and Systematic Disconnect From Reality

Facebook. One of the most fascinating additions to the human experience. Self-published self-aggrandizement and narcissism at the professional level. A demented worldview through an obscured window. Or something. But it seems to chronicle our demented perceptions. As does, in my ways and iterations, these podcasts and deliveries. Enjoy.

LIONEL PODCAST: Why We Fight Against the Obvious

In the name of Zeus, look it up! The information that is available before you now anent a host of subjects is incalculable. Yet, despite such, so many scratch their collective noggins and wonder why they know little or nothing about the obvious.
Lionel. One name. Like God. A cab driver once asked me what Lionel’s last name was. I responded, “One name. Like Elvis, Cher.” He responded, “Oh, yeah. Like God.” No disrespect intended.

LIONEL PODCAST: Xmas Mythology, Crypto-Pagan Worship, Media Nescience and News Puerility

Gone are the dreams of a sentient people. From the way we bow before dead trees refusing to acknowledge the ceremony’s pagan antecedents to how we’ve handed the keys of our news collection agencies to children, this once proud yet jejune people (a mere 239 years) now grovels in a detached cluelessness unrivaled in modern time. And with that I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Hounding the Bear: Hybrid Methodology of Containing Russia

Bear-hounding is a hunting technique, in which a pack of dogs pursues a bear until exhaustion—at that point the hunter can make his kill. And that is to what Karen Shakhnazarov, a well-known Russian filmmaker of Armenian origin, compared Russia’s predicament in the current geopolitical situation. The bear analogy in Russia’s case is a contrived and, often, derogatory … Continue reading Hounding the Bear: Hybrid Methodology of Containing Russia

Putin Blues

Israel has a good working relations with Daesh, too. I was told that Daesh troops entered the Palestinian camp al Yarmuk being equipped with long lists of Palestinian activists. They were assembled and publicly executed. The Palestinians think that Daesh received the names from Israeli secret service and acted upon their request. Moreover, Daesh never ever attacked a Zionist target.

by Israel Shamir

Burning Questions: Who Took Tainted Shkreli Money? Why Did DFA and CWA Endorse Bernie? Why Is Putin Backing Herr Trumpf?

As we've reported before, when low-life price gouger and hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli tried to contribute to Bernie's campaign, Bernie very publicly rejected his contribution and turned it over to charity. Chuck Schumer and Jon Tester on the other hand, couldn't wait to get their clammy paws on some of Shkreli's blood money.

Putin Throws Down the Gauntlet

Kerry is in for a big surprise on Tuesday. He’s about to learn that Putin takes war very seriously and is not going to let Washington sabotage his plans for success. If Kerry’s smart, he’ll pass along that message to Obama and tell him he needs to dial it down a notch if he wants to avoid a war with Russia.


by Mike Whitney

Porkins Great Game episode 11 Gladio B Heats Up In Syria

On this episode Christoph and I start off with our favorite Georgian politician, Mikheil Saakashvili, and his most recent meddling in his native country.  While ostensibly operating as governor of Odessa, Saakashvili was recently caught on tape advising the owner and director of popular TV station Rustavi 2 on how to instigate a violent confrontation with the goverment.  The pro-Saakashvili channel has been in a long legal dispute and the current regime has trued multiple times to shut it down.  Christoph explains what is at stake for Rustavi 2 and how Saakashvili has been inserting himself