
Hey, DCCC, Why Does Devin Nunes Get To Run Basically Unopposed Year After Year After Year?

I believe McCain when he stated yesterday that "Congress no longer has the credibility to handle this alone, and I don't say that lightly." He was referring to the investigation into Putin-Gate, which he's come to realize that his own party is approaching as a partisan endeavor meant to impede and perhaps coverup rather than get to the bottom of what happened. And no one has been worse player than California Republican Devin Nunes.

Treason Is A Very Serious Crime-- Way Too Serious For Devin Nunes

Yesterday James Fallows wrote that Señor Trumpanzee's credibility crisis is now front-and-center. He worries about the inevitability of the moment a crisis causes Trump to say "Trust me," and no one can and that's why so many veteran officials have warned about his habit of incessantly telling instantly disprovable lies. "If an administration will lie about facts where the contradictory evidence is in plain sight, how can we possibly believe them on anything else?

Now GOP Congressmen Are Being Yelled At In Their Districts Over Putin-Gate As Well As Trumpcare

Flip-floppin' Darrell says he's changed his mind again on a special prosecutorYesterday, Adam Schiff (D-CA) was on ABC's This Week and John McCain (R-AZ) was on CNN’s State of the Union and they both were singing the same tune, namely that Trump was full of shit with his crazy claim that Obama wiretapped him.

When It Comes To Putin-Gate, Who In Congress Really Will Stand And Deliver?

At some point around 1980, Stuart Goddard (AKA- Adam Ant) had to decide if the band he led was going to be a modern boy band and go for the gold via a path used by contemporaries like Classic Nouveaux, ABC, Simple Minds, Heaven 17, Blancmange... and later so successfully trod by groups like the New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys, or go for the glory of competing with the big boys-- like The Clash, The Smiths and Generation X. If the video above confuses you, don't worry; it confused Stuart and his mates as well.

The Donald J. Trump Regime-- Hostis Publicus, Ennemi Du Peuple, Vrag Naroda...

An Enemy of the People was an 1882 play by Henrik Ibsen that inspired a Steve McQueen film of the same name (1978), based on Arthur Miller's adaptation of Ibsen's original. In between the play and the film, we had Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, whose use of the term was a turn-around from the Roman Senate's very reasonable declaration in AD 68 that Nero was a hostis publicus... enemy of the people.