Congress Moves To Tie Trump's Hands In His Numerous Attempts To Sell Out To Putin
Only Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) opposed the Russia sanction bill that passed the Senate with 97 votes on Wednesday.
Only Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) opposed the Russia sanction bill that passed the Senate with 97 votes on Wednesday.
Someone needs to explain to Señor Trumpanzee what "exonerated" and "vindicated" mean. No matter where you woke up Friday-- red state, blue state, purple state, there were no newspaper headlines talking about vindication. They were all talking about how we're saddled with a compulsive, manipulative liar in the White House.
One thing that "has been decided," apparently, is that no one in a position of authority is ever going to undermine the U.S. electoral system by admitting the Kremlin really hacked the election itself-- like the shitty very hackable electronic voting machines. The entire national security establishment always, always claimed the Russians didn't tamper with the voting results. But, as I've said all along, they didn't know what they were talking about.
The House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas yesterday, including one for Russian spy Mike Flynn and one for Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, another likely Russian spy, often described as the guy who Trump replaced gangster Roy Cohn with, except without Roy Cohen's charm.
On Monday morning Raw Story's Brad Reed listed 5 reasons why anonymous White House officials say they can't stand Kushner-in-law. It helps explain the flood of leaks about him from inside the Trump Regime-- though the list sort of inexplicably belies the animus from the Bannon camp...
While monkey man was in Europe whining to the EU leaders how hard it is for him to set up golf courses in their countries-- at least he wasn't lobbying them to allow him to open Trump Unibersities (as far as we know)-- his Regime was collapsing around his ears back home.
The quote in the subject line was something reporter Michelle Goldberg said to Chris Hayes last night, about Prince Jared or, as we know him, Kushner-in-law. Her point was that the Kushners-- like the Trumps-- may be able to afford to clean up nicely but that they are nothing but vicious, merciless predators. And now the law is catching up with them (again).