
Timeline of coronavirus responses show infantile Democrat reaction to Trump

Even though the US president is often seen to pivot in opinions about given points, the sum total of his maneuvering seems to work for the nation as a whole. The coronavirus pandemic is no different.
However, it does have to be acknowleged that the President has done what amounts to a complete 180-degree turn on his policy positions about the Wuhan coronavirus since the time it first made headlines back in December and January. He went from “it is not a problem” to “there is going to be a lot of death” over the three-month period.

Philosophy of Globalism – Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

We move on in the globalism books series to cover another Huxley, Julian, the father of the term “transhumanism,” who outlines the open philosophy of globalism in his famous essay “UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy.” In Part 2 we will cover the first half of his book On Living in a Revolution and compare it to the subject we often cover known as the “final revolution.”



LONDON — The Jo Cox Fund, set up in memory of the slain MP soon after her death in 2016, was established by a cadre of pro-interventionist “humanitarians” with a history of involvement in past regime-change operations and whose connections to some of the world’s most ardent imperialists, as well as the Not for Profit Industrial Complex (NPIC), are legion. For that reason, […]

Cultures Around the World Show Us How Life Purpose Fuels Longevity

We know instinctively that meaning and purpose are necessary in order to live a fulfilling life, with those of us in a career we love often held in high regard. But regardless of how passionate you may be about your career, we all need a hobby – an interest outside of work that we truly love to do. The benefits of purpose and hobbies, however, go beyond quality of life.