
Bob Woodward’s ‘tell all’ book puts Trump White House on the defensive

Bob Woodward is something of an icon of American investigative journalism. His work with Carl Bernstein spelled the end of Richard Nixon’s career as President of the United States, and the story of how “two men with a typewriter” were able to bring down the most powerful man in the world is journalism legend.
In excerpts from his new upcoming book, Fear: Trump in the White House, it appears that Mr. Woodward is trying to capitalize on his journalistic largesse to do it all over again.

When a Black Journalist Wins a Pulitzer, Chances Are It’s For Writing White

NEW YORK — In her 1993 bestseller, Volunteer Slavery: My Authentic Negro Experience, the African-American author Jill Nelson wrote that when newsrooms and police departments began to integrate following the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., white journalists and patrolmen often encouraged their new black co-workers to prove their professional loyalty by “shooting their own.”