public education

Another California Election, Another Power Grab By Eli Broad And The Rest Of The Anti-Public Schools Billionaires

I live in the Los Feliz neighborhood of L.A. Our state Assemblyman, Mike Gatto, is termed out and we have a hot election here in the 43rd district. The favored candidate is Glendale City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian, a values-driven, long-time progressive, but he's coming under all the withering fire a secret SuperPAC can provide, this one from the charter school billionaires and their puppet candidate, Laura Friedman.

Will Rahm's Stench Rub Off On Hillary In Illinois Tuesday? Have Black Voters In Chicago Learned Yet About That Wing Of The Party?

Rahm and Hillary-- bad for Chicago working familiesHillary is counting on several factors to win in Illinois Tuesday. Born in Chicago and raised in the all-white suburb of Park Ridge, it's where she started her political career, canvassing first for Richard Nixon and then for her hero, Barry Goldwater.

Mystery Babylon: The History of Ecumenism, Public Education & Geopolitical Intrigue

Chris Kendall and John Adams of The Afternoon Commute invited me back to explore the subjects of textual studies, the Documentary Hypothesis, Julius Wellhausen, German Higher Criticism, the Reformation, Renaissance Humanism, Ecumenism, Zionism, Dominion Theology, Millennialism, Theosophy, Spiritism and “Direct Revelation,” Revivalism, Utopianism, Roman Catholicism and Vatican II, the World Council of Churches and the Rockefellers, Rick Warren, Mega Churches, The Charismatic Movement, Materialism, more problems in Darwinian theory, Scientism

Yesterday-- Presages A November Election Between Two Truly Horrible Candidates

Rubio, Cruz and Herr Trumpf have been smearing each other all week, all month, all year, and each of them insists the other two are shameless liars. And, for once, all three are telling the truth. So it would be a bonus to put up a truthful and trustworthy Democrat in November. Regardless how you feel about Hillary Clinton, honesty and trustworthiness are not among the traits she's most admired for.

Gov. Tom Wolf (D-PA)-- Very Much NOT Like Gov. Rick Snyder (R-Flint)

The first time I spoke with Tom Wolf was in March, 2013 when he was considered a longshot to replace Pennsylvania's Republican Governor Tom Corbett. It only took a few minutes of listening to him talk before I realized that he was the guy-- the guy who could stop conservaDem Allyson Schwartz from getting the Democratic nomination, the one who could retire Corbett and the one who could show Pennsylvanians what it was like to have a good governor.

The Republican Party Moves To Further Debilitate Public Education

Last Saturday we marveled at how the Republicans were able to hoodwink the American people again, this time passing John Kline's reauthorization of the Bush Family's No Child Left Behind Act, disguised as the innocous-sounding "Student Success Act." Although hated by parents, teachers, students, Democrats, Republicans and independents, it passed the House 218-213. Every single Democrat voted NO, but only 27 Republicans had the guts to cros