
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Yes, it is Sunday... Again... And it is again time for my usual rant....I first want to inform everyone that I have been MIA the last few days due to illness... I came down with one heck of a head cold on Friday, and it just got progressively worse.... The usual fever, headaches, and wicked cough..... It is only now that it does appear that my body has finally began to recuperate..... I really do hate this time of year with the change in climate, because it always seems that I come down with either sinusitis or a terrible version of cold/flu....

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Planting The Seed Of Propaganda - Media Readily Suggests Patriots Are Responsible For Boston Marathon Bombing!

I am truly surprised that most people cannot see this latest bombing in Boston Massachusetts for what it really is... A definite false flag attack to strike FEAR into the American public.... What needs to be understood is the psychology of Fear itself, and how people who are stricken by fear will want to quickly find a remedy or a solution to dispel that fear... In most cases when a general populace is stricken by fear, they turn to their own government for solutions...