
How to Herd Your Tax Cattle (Video)

Good morning, Mr. President. I’m a representative of the shadow government that put you into power. Did you ever wonder how we keep people fighting with each other? Or obeying our silly rules? Or actually loving their captors and slavemasters? This morning we’re going to brief you on just that. Are you ready to begin?
CLICK HERE for the audio mp3 of this podcast.


K3 kids recites the Pledge Of Allegiance

Episode 296 – How to Herd Your Tax Cattle

Good morning, Mr. President. I’m a representative of the shadow government that put you into power. Did you ever wonder how we keep people fighting with each other? Or obeying our silly rules? Or actually loving their captors and slavemasters? This morning we’re going to brief you on just that. Are you ready to begin?
For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

B.F. Skinner’s “Walden Two” – FLNWO #17

This month on the Film, Literature and New World Order podcast, James explores B.F. Skinner’s 1948 utopian novel, “Walden Two.” We discuss Skinner’s ideas of behavioural engineering, how they are employed in the novel, and why this raises the ire of the general reading public. We also interrogate the roots of behavioural “science” and find it to be ethically and intellectually bankrupt.

Interview 906 – Social Engineering 101 with James Corbett

James Corbett joins Walter Hendricks of The Solvinur Event to discuss social engineering. In this wide-ranging conversation, James and Walter break down propaganda and PR, advertising and education, how the media is used to form our habits and opinions, and how to fight back against the social engineers.
Propaganda by Edward Bernays

Interview 900 – The BFP Roundtable Discusses Public Apathy

The BFP Roundtable takes on the public apathy surrounding the illegal wars of aggression, extrajudicial drone assassinations, illegal warrantless wiretapping, and other outrages of our era. Why is the public so passive in the face of such abuses? Does it reflect learned helplessness, and if so what can be done about it? Find out more in this must-see BFP Roundtable discussion.

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Yes, it is Sunday, and first I want to let everyone know that I am feeling much better today.... Better than I have for the last two weeks.... I have been suffering from a head cold, migraine headaches, body chills, etc... Many of the symptoms of Influenza but without the extra great things that come along with having the Flu itself.... I have noticed that many people have had much the same illness that I have had, and it does make me wonder....