Diego Sequera Discusses the Underpinnings of Venezuelan Election and Huge Maduro/Socialist Victory

Sunday’s result underscores the notion that the Venezuelan people blame the U.S. sanctions for their suffering, rather than purely pointing the finger at the government.
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Venezuela’s socialists win elections in landslide – so US tries to discredit them

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) won the November 21 mega-elections in a landslide, getting more votes in 20 of 23 states and the capital Caracas. So the US government responded by trying to discredit the vote. Venezuelan journalist Diego Sequera speaks about the elections, the historic victory of the ruling party of President Nicolás Maduro, and Washington’s attempt to de-legitimize the process. Venezuela’s November 21 regional elections were monitored by the European Union. After years of boycotting previous […]

US Congress and corporate media deploy massive lie, claiming Venezuela’s gov’t threatened to starve non-voters

Spun out by the US Congress and Wall Street Journal, the cynical deception is part of an assault on Venezuela’s legislative election, in which even opposition politicians were sanctioned for participating. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US corporate media declared Venezuela’s legislative elections a “sham” before results were even announced, opening a new front in the propaganda war on the besieged country and its leftist government. Among the most blatant distortions deployed against President Nicolas Maduro’s United Socialist Party […]

Venezuela, juin 2017 : Incendie du Tribunal Suprême de Justice, poursuites contre la procureure générale. Que se passe-t-il vraiment ?

Le 13 juin, un groupe armé de cocktails Molotov incendie un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice à Caracas
Le 13 juin 2017, des manifestants cagoulés ont incendié un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice du Venezuela à Caracas, à coups de cocktails Molotov. Le 21 juin, les membres de ce même Tribunal Suprême de Justice ont autorisé des poursuites contre la procureure générale du pays, Luisa Ortega Diaz.