Professional Hit / Suicided

CIA Computer System Contractor Shot and Killed In Mall Parking Lot, Retired Police Officer Detained

by Anthony Scott, The Gateway Pundit: A CIA computer system contractor was shot and killed outside a mall in Las Vegas on Tuesday. The man who was killed has been identified as 69-year-old Robert Hoy. In an initial report, The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Bruce Moore, a friend of Robert Hoy, stated Hoy was a former […]

WashPo: Ukraine’s SBU, Clandestinely Trained by CIA, Assassinated Daughter of Russian Intellectual

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation: Ukraine’s domestic security service (SBU) has been receiving clandestine training from the CIA for eight years and used said training to assassinate Darya Dugina, the daughter of Russian intellectual Alexander Dugin, the Washington Post reports. SBU sources boasted about the assassination — which they previously denounced as terrorism — and […]