
Themes and Memes ep. 58 Tiger King review with Pearse Redmond

From Pearse Redmond joins Themes & Memes as a return guest. The Covid19 quarantine classic, Tiger King documentary, is the topic of discussion. A variety of issues such as high control groups, media analysis, and politics are discussed on this different kind of review. Download episode Show Notes: Relevant Links BCR Watch How to […]

“He’s Got Eight Numbers, Just Like Everybody Else”

On April 4, 2020, my friend Steve Kelly will begin a third year of imprisonment in Georgia’s Glynn County jail. He turned 70 while in prison, and while he has served multiple prison sentences for protesting nuclear weapons, spending two years in a county jail is unusual even for him. Yet he adamantly urges supporters to focus attention on the nuclear weapons arsenals which he and his companions aim to disarm. “The nukes are not going to go away by themselves,” says Steve.

New York City Calls to Release Prisoners to Halt Spread of Coronavirus in Jails

The global crisis surrounding the coronavirus and COVID-19 disease has created a number of seemingly unforeseen tertiary effects of public services and their institutions, prompting some drastic moves by government and municipal officials across the United States. While officials call to reduce prison numbers on health grounds, what are the political and social costs?

No-Go Zone: Weinstein: 23 Years, Turkish Border Provocations Against Greece Escalates & “Brown Power”

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Join Henrik as we cover Weinstein's sentencing, 23 years in prison. We also cover the Turkish escalations against Greece at the border and how Erdogan is threatening Europe with migrants. We also take a look at a new music video that is promoting "brown power," yes really.

Six Quick Points About Coronavirus and Poverty in the US

In the United States, tens of millions of people are at a much greater risk of getting sick from the coronavirus than others.  The most vulnerable among us do not have the option to comply with suggestions to stay home from work or work remotely.  Most low wage workers do not have any paid sick days and cannot do their work from home.  The over two million people in jails and prisons each night do not have these options nor do the half a million homeless people.

Incompetent Moralizing By WHO Is Why Coronavirus Now Is Spreading Globally

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik gives an important update on the Coronavirus and how incompetent moralizing by the World Health Organization caused it to spread globally. We look at a recent press conference by WHO and how the situation in Italy is quickly getting worse.

Thierry Durolle - France: Muslim Convert Kills 4 Paris Cops, Jailed For Sharing Video & Rouen Chemical Fire - Hour 1

Thierry Durolle joins Henrik from France to talk about some of the latest news. Four police officers were killed by a deaf radicalized muslim cop in Paris and Alain Soral is facing jail for 2 years for sharing an anti-Rothschild rap video. In the second part we talk about a massive chemical fire at a chemical plant in Rouen, which is causing strange health effects among local residents. We will also discuss the phony globalist endorsed environmental movement and the migrant encampments in Paris that is leaving the streets unsafe and full of trash.