
At least SOME Orthodox Church leaders are repenting [Video]

This is an “Open Letter” from a group of Eastern Orthodox clergy and monastics and laity who got wise to the COVID-19 deceptions. Let’s get right to it. Open Letter: TO OUR BELOVED HIERARCHS, BROTHER CONCELEBRANTS, AND OUR FAITHFUL FLOCKS From the Burning Bush Brotherhood TO OUR BELOVED HIERARCHS, BROTHER CONCELEBRANTS, AND OUR FAITHFUL FLOCKS, […]

City of Toronto bans Holy Communion in Churches [Video]

There are two things that the priest in this video said that were correct. One was, “we are not worthy to receive Holy Communion.” That is a statement every single Orthodox Christian can agree with. But it is different when we say it and hopefully mean what we say, that we may be grateful to the Lord for allowing us to receive it anyway. But not so in this church in Toronto. Here, by order of the city, the church had to not give Holy Communion. The presiding priest is clearly heartbroken:

Priest Who Molested 20 Boys Says He Was Told to Pray as Punishment

(ANTIMEDIA) A pedophilic priest who says he “got the impression that kids liked it” when he molested them has evaded any type of punishment.  The former Catholic priest worked in Guam for decades, and his fellow priests knew about his behavior, but due to the statute of limitations in the country he has never faced punishment.