
Republican Of The Year Nominee #2: R-R-Reince Priebus

America Off The Rails, Part 4by NoahBack in 2011, the Republican Party, horrified that Barack Obama had integrated the White House two years previously, was looking for a man, the right man, who could properly audition the leading points of light in the party, with the idea of finding the perfect leader that could retake the White House and lead the party in its decades-long dream of fascism for America.As it turned out, the man they chose to direct

Trump and Trade Policy — Why He Will Fail

by Gaius PubliusThe clip above is an interview Thom Hartmann did with Forbes writer and commentor Eamonn Fingleton, whom the headline touts as "The Man Who Predicted Trump," a true statement, by the way. That prediction came in February 2016, as noted at the start of the conversation in the clip. Here Fingleton and Hartmann discuss Trump, U.S.

Has Trump Branded His Own Arsenic Yet?

I'm a casual guy, part of why I like living on the West Coast. I was never much of a slick dresser and avoided ties as much as possible. But when fate threw me into a TimeWarner presidential job, I wound up with offices in New York and London as well as L.A. and I had to represent our company in countries where suits and ties were important status symbols for executives. Over the years I tried to casualize the culture everywhere I could, but...