
The Boys in Blue (and Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Indigo and Violet) – How the Cops Got Woke

Police officers now regularly adorn their uniforms with Pride colours and sit by as green protesters shut down cities. A think tank claims sectarian lobbying by a group of networks is behind the cops going woke.
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No-Go Zone: Welcome Back To Tartarus

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest in episode 107 of No-Go Zone this June 22, 2022.
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There Is No PRIDE In Grooming A Child

In case you hadn’t noticed, June is Pride Month. Pride in what, you ask? Would you believe in homosexuality? And lesbianism? And bisexuality? And now transgenderism? Apparently so. Up until 1967, homosexual acts between consenting males were criminal in Britain. They still are, in some countries. Under Islam, homosexuality can be punished with death, which […]