press freedom

Lawsuit Aims To Shed Light On Justice Department’s Surveillance Of Journalists

The Justice Department has twenty-seven ongoing leak investigations, according to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. That is a staggering number, and now, the Knight First Amendment Institute and Freedom of The Press Foundation are suing for records on how those investigations may infringe upon the First Amendment rights of journalists.

Hungary Says US Meddling in Domestic Affairs by Funding New Media Outlets

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary’s foreign minister on Wednesday accused the United States government of meddling in his country’s internal affairs and upcoming election campaign by offering to fund “objective media in Hungary.”The U.S. has expressed concerns about “negative trends” for press freedom in Hungary, such as a dwindling number of independent news outlets and the increasing control people close to the government have in the media market.

Abbas’ Cybercrime Law Chills and Silences Palestinian Journalists and Dissenters

PALESTINE — Five months after Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas issued the Cybercrime Law by Presidential Decree, the Palestinian Centre for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) has launched an online campaign against the legislation, in a bid to raise awareness and mobilize against the injustices enshrined in the law.

Standing For Media’s Rights In India

  India, largest democracy of the globe, remains a bad place for working journalists irrespective of the regimes in power at New Delhi or any province capital. The populous country witnesses the murder of around five media persons on average in a year and that has not been changed for decades. The land of Bishnu, Buddha and Bapu has however[Read More...]

In Germany, Obama and Merkel set new standards of hypocrisy

The last few days were marked by a new high in hypocrisy. The prize goes to Barack Obama, who literally got the Prize of the German Media (Medienpreise in German) in Baden-Baden, southwestern Germany. Obama, under whose wise stewardship the world has seen the appearance of at least four new conflict zones with direct US involvement (Libya, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen) could be expected to show some modesty. After all, the people of Libya and Donbass might not have a very high opinion of his Nobel Peace Prize from 2010.