
How America’s ‘News’-Media Sell Propaganda Instead of Journalism

Eric Zuesse (blogs at This article is about how the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment’s freedoms of speech and of the press are treated by today’s American press — treated with hostility — by them: ignored when possible, and suppressed when not. What’s more important to them is to do the propaganda, and this means […]

Putin prepares to wipe the floor with Sleepy Joe Biden [Video]

Dr. Steve Turley hits a grand slam with this report. He talks especially accurately about two main themes: President Putin, Sergey Lavrov, et. al. are probably laughing fit to split at the prospect of dealing with Sleepy Joe. Even President Trump sent his sarcastic wishes, hoping that Mr. Biden can stay awake through their upcoming […]

Press Violations Explode to 180 in May Alone as Israel Cracks Down to Buff Its Image

“The more that Israel is exposed internationally for its human rights violations in Palestine, the more it becomes desperate in its attempt to crack down on journalists and the media in general.” -- Dr. Ramzy Baroud
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Dr Fauci’s Pivot, part II: Lab-originated theory gains ground [Video]

Clichés are boring. American political rhetoric is full of them. Sometimes it is really bad where we have three-word statements like “lock her up!” or “God hates fags!” or even slightly longer ones like “keep your laws off my body!” But sometimes things really do seem to become very simple, and such simplistic sayings gain […]

How Joeseph Goebbel’s Nazi Propaganda Gave Birth to Today’s Western Media

All six children were dressed in pristine, finely pressed white clothes. Their hair was combed and styled. Aged between four and twelve, they had been assembled below by house aides. The stage was now set. Pedigree, ideological sacred cows, convictions as indefensible as the Oder River had set it. With or without cause, all final preparations were complete.

Manipulating the Message: Police Attacks on Free Press and the Fencing in of Humanity

The evening before President Trump lumbered over to St. John’s Church for his infamous “photo op,” U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr quietly instructed all 56 regional departments of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) to “identify criminal organizers and instigators” in the nationwide protests elicited by George Floyd’s murder.