presidential election

The MAJOR Political, Social & Constitutional Crisis America Might Be Facing…

Thinking more about last week’s FBI announcement that the bureau would be further investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails – a decision that smells a little like a politically motivated maneuver to influence the election outcome – the suspicion continues to niggle that something else may be going on here. By surprisingly re-awakening the FBI investigation into […]

Should HILLARY Now Step Down and Allow Bernie Sanders to Face Trump…?

I’m sure Hillary herself has no intention of standing aside and I doubt the conglomeration of corporations, banking interests and corporate media giants behind her candidacy would let her stand aside if she wanted to. But she probably  should. And I don’t suggest this only because I have problems with Hillary Clinton for several reasons […]

The FBI, Hillary, Trump, All Just a Lark: Ever Seen ‘BREWSTER’S MILLIONS’…?

So Hillary is being investigated again by the FBI? The FBI just announced the relaunching of its investigation into Hillary’s emails and personal server, apparently after discovering more emails “that appear to be pertinent to the investigation”. It is hard to tell whether this move really is the serious threat to Hillary’s presidential hopes that […]