President Obama

Backlash Grows Against Bibi’s Congressional Speech

Image: Dermer and Boehner: masterminds of Bibi’s Congressional speech debacle (Image courtesy Tikun Olam)

Reports over the past two days have confirmed a rising tide of anger against the ploy organized by Israel’s ambassador Ron Dermer and House Speaker John Boehner to arrange for an address by Bibi Netanyahu to Congress.


The Gaza medical aid scandal: Suffer, little children….What do our clueless politicians care?

The indifference shown by Messrs Obama and Cameron to the slaughter and unimaginable destruction that Israel – the self-styled “only democracy in the Middle East” with “the most moral army in ther world” – inflicted on Gaza a month ago is beyond sickening.

by Stuart Littlewood
In the UK a petition was raised, addressed to
Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister
The Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Foreign Secretary
The Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister

Nothing Will Stop Isis Except A Syrian Truce

US policy has an Alice in Wonderland absurdity about it, everything being the opposite of what it appears to be. The so-called “coalition of the willing” is, in practice, very unwilling to fight ISIS, while those hitherto excluded, such as Iran, the Syrian government, Hezbollah and the PKK, are the ones actually fighting. 

Neither the rebels nor President Assad’s army are strong enough to fight on two fronts at once