President George W. Bush


The CIA now is so firmly entrenched and so immensely well financed – much of it off the books, including everything from secret budget items to peddling drugs and weapons – that it is all but impossible for a president to oppose it the way Kennedy did.

Some rarely discussed truths shaping contemporary American democracy

Lebanonisation of Iraq…

Michael Ledeen was also behind the fake documents of supposed Iraqi purchase of yellow cake uranium powder from Niger. His lie was crucial in Tony Blair and Bush’s decision to invade Iraq resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of human life. In addition, he was one of several Zionist neoconservatives – suspected of spying for Israel and had long been association with Israeli think tanks – who infiltrated the dens of the Pentagon advocating the “creative destruction” theorem to remake the “New Middle East.”

The Mess in Iraq – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

 The truth is that George W. Bush and his accomplices are war criminals chargeable with the same indictment brought against the German and Japanese leaders after World War II. I am not talking about genocide, as that was not the charge against these leaders. I am talking about the waging of unnecessary and offensive war – launching an invasion without proper legal cause. Today’s mess in Iraq is a direct consequence of that same sort of criminal act.

 by Dr. Lawrence Davidson

Iraq Vet Kills Himself After Being Ordered to Commit “War Crimes”

Iraq Vet Kills Himself After Being Ordered to Commit “War Crimes”
“These things go far beyond what most are even aware of”
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison
Iraq war veteran Daniel Somers committed suicide following an arduous battle with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that was caused by his role in committing “crimes against humanity,” according to the soldier’s suicide note.