President Donald Trump

Breitbart: The New York Times tries to authorize a hit on Tucker Carlson [Video]

Tucker Carlson has been on fire especially over the last several weeks. His Fox program, Tucker Carlson Tonight has hit time after time after time with laserlike accuracy against the radical leftism rioting and violence on display all across the United States and even outside the US. His criticism of the people and actions involved has been without hyperbole, though definitely with personal emotion, and it is not off the mark to say that Mr. Carlson has for the time being eclipsed even that great founder of conservative media, Rush Limbaugh.

Trump throws down the gauntlet at Oval Office News Conference [Video]

President Trump has enormous media transparency, far more than any president in history. Love him or hate him, his talent at using a hostile media to get his own message out is formidable and apparently quite effective. Here, the President gives a short, ten-minute interview in which he states in very clear terms that the spiraling violence is due to the weakness and complicity of Democrat leaders in major American cities.

Kayleigh McEnany SHAMES press pool after no one asks about riots [Video]

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany is a superb and strong lady. After President Trump spoke repeatedly about the importance of preserving national history as it happened, after he signed an Executive Order for the creation of the Garden of Heroes museum, and after he unequivocally denounced the radical leftists who have been attacking innocent people in multiple American cities for over a month, the radical mainstream press was absolutely inflamed. More than that, apparently they huddled before Monday’s daily press briefing, the reporters were of one mind about two questions:

The Second American Civil War, Part II: Strategy of the Blues [Video]

President Trump is definitely a traditional, Christian, law-and-order kind of guy. A progressive he is not, though he is remarkably pragmatic. For all of his (hopefully) first term Donald Trump has been a man under siege from the Left, which has wielded all of its power in ever-greater levels of attack. The Blues have been after him in this new Civil War, doing everything imaginable to separate Trump’s supporters from Trump. Now, those attacks have taken the following forms over the years:

Attorney General William Barr talks race, justice and law in America [Video]

Attorney General William “Bill” Barr has shown himself to be one of President Trump’s very best picks through the course of his first Presidential term of office. This very measured, very calm man has a gift of making legal sense out of chaotic and otherwise very passion-filled situations. It is certainly the truth that presently in the United States there are many highly passion-filled situations taking place simultaneously, and in fact, these are intertwined.

Tucker: We were all lied to about the Coronavirus pandemic [Video]

Tucker Carlson delivered another scathing review of the state of affairs in the United States, with liberal governments actually showing themselves as more and more culpable in the deaths of people precisely because of the coronavirus lockdowns, which were touted as life-saving. His monologue, a ten-minute, absolutely packed commentary, delivered the strongest blow yet to the latest coup attempt in progress. However, he is not saying anything we did not already sense or know. For example: