President Donald Trump

Atlantic fake news story crumbles under fire – from NEVER TRUMPERS! [Video]

The Atlantic sent some ripples of scandal through the Democrat and some Republicans’ world on Thursday night when they published a story alleging that four unnamed sources said that President Trump referred to the fallen US soldiers at a World War I cemetery as “Losers and Suckers.” This piece still ranks Number One on the magazine’s own most popular pieces.

Former JAG officer warns of military coup against Trump [Video]

The Video attached is provided originally by the Schiller Institute, but with comment and information added. We see this video as important to view in light of the the elements of a coup d’etat suspected to be underway against the President of the United States, a coup that has many elements already in place to create massive trouble.

Limbaugh: Pelosi’s attack on eSalon owner example of Liberals always on offense

Rush Limbaugh is pretty much the King of accurate analysis of liberal political figures. Like many others, he followed the new debacle around Nancy Pelosi – let’s call this one “HairGate”, shall we? As many readers already know, Nancy Pelosi went to an eSalon facility in San Francisco to get her hair washed and get it blow-dried. The salon was closed under COVID-19 regulations set in place by Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, California Governor Gavin Newsom (former mayor of San Francisco).

How involved is the propaganda war against President Trump? Very.

The Western Journal is emerging more and more as a serious and thoughtful repository of real information. As such, one of their contributors, Joe Saunders, published a piece verifying that President Trump’s hits on the media have been dead on. You know all those accusations of “fake news!” and so on. They are correct. Most everything that gets reported IS fake news.

US reaction to Putin’s COVID vaccine both predictable and dishonest

On Tuesday I gave an English lesson, really in the form of practice and conversation, with a student who has become a friend as well. This student is older than I and the work the student does is quite prominent – as an example, our lesson was periodically interrupted by messages from or regarding high ranking government officials.