
Solidarity Forged from Slave Chains

February is black history month and with conservatives challenging Critical Race Theory, there’s one thing when studying history, we have to always remember and it is the victors that write the history. It is the duty, therefore, of every socialist to tell it like it was, and is, at every opportunity. In the battle of ideas that we wage against the ruling class, we must […]
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Who Are We Arming and Supporting in Ukraine?

On December 16, 2021, the United States and Ukraine voted against a UN General Assembly draft resolution “Combating the glorification of the Nazi movement, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism….” The Assembly expressed deep concern with current trends in Eastern Europe that serve to whitewash the Nazi period, including the […]

Naive Documentary (-ies) Makers Barely Scratch the Surface!

W.E.B. DuBois: ‘To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.’ This documentary (see below, first one linked) is not news, and then, of course, it’s Trump in office blather, too. As if UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Spain, […]
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Special Privilege in Admission to Elite U.S. Colleges

Although a major scandal erupted in 2019 over bribery and other fraudulent practices used by wealthy Americans to secure their children’s admission to elite colleges, the affluent continue to benefit from other kinds of special admission policies that are perfectly legal. Consider the fact that, according to a recent study, only about 57 percent of […]

How Starmer’s Labour Reversed 40 Years of Progress on Israel and Palestine

British politics is lurching backwards when it comes to Israel. Gains won over many decades that made it possible to critique Israel and its belligerent rule over Palestinians are being undone almost overnight – and on both sides of the supposed political divide. A rash of recent incidents illustrate how quickly the rot has set […]

Claims of Russian Interference in Ukraine Reek of Hypocrisy

The Russians are up to no good and we must prepare to protect Ukraine. Moscow interferes in US and Canadian elections. That’s what Washington, Ottawa and their media sycophants claim. But is this just another case of accusing others of doing the things you do? An age-old propaganda technique designed to deflect attention away from […]

The Tribal Left’s a Mirror Image of the Tribal Right

Of course, I expect a backlash every time I write. It comes with the territory. There is no point being a Bari Weiss or a David Frum and crying out against “cancel culture”. Dissension is part of the rough and tumble of a modern world in which everyone – at least, for a little longer […]
The post The Tribal Left’s a Mirror Image of the Tribal Right first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Jumping to China-bashing Conclusions

Peng Shuai, a highly successful tennis player from China is currently at the center of a western media maelstrom. This maelstrom stems from a 2 November post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. Peng is said to have publicly accused the former Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli of raping her in 2018. The timing, […]
The post Jumping to China-bashing Conclusions first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Canada Revenue Agency’s Double Standards on Muslim and Jewish Charities

Why does the Canada Revenue Agency treat Jewish, Christian, and Muslim charities so differently? In June the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLM) released a report showing that the CRA disproportionately targets Muslim groups. According to the report, 75% of the groups whose charitable status was revoked following a division audit by the CRA between […]

Star Trek: A Viewpoint beyond Liking It

See Part 1. What is the point of Star Trek? When examined under apposite practical context, the conclusion may validate the argument that Star Trek filmography cannot be separated from the business enterprise that created it. Consequently, it is no-brainer to deduce that special interests control the content, direction, and purpose of such films. Star […]
The post Star Trek: A Viewpoint beyond Liking It first appeared on Dissident Voice.