predictive programming

Batman Begins – Esoteric Analysis – Hollywood Decoded Ep 5 PREVIEW

In 2005, Christopher Nolan rebooted the Batman movies, full of occult imagery depicting the interplay of secret societies and billionaire capitalists as played out against the gothic noir landscape of Gotham City. It is also the tale of our protagonist learning to use fear as a means of changing the world around him. In many ways, Bruce Wayne’s rise as the dark knight is like the ascendance of Gautama Siddhartha as Buddha.

Fourth Political Theory – Geopolitics of Russia & Dugin – Jay Dyer Analysis

The writings of Professor Alexander Dugin are scandalous and controversial according to the establishment, yet what about the works of Brzezinski, which are explicitly “imperialist” and liberal?  In this talk we will cover Prof. Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory book, while later we will cover his books on Putin and Contemporary Russian Geopolitics. Contrary to detractors and liars who made up nonsense because I dared to interview Prof.

Rockefeller Frankfurt School Tavistock Degeneracy – Jay Dyer / Tim Kelly

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recent video analyzing Daniel Estulin’s book Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses. We talk about how Tavistock has worked within a complex nexus of institutions to degrade and enslave humanity by weaponizing culture, creating trauma and widespread despair. Jay Dyer is the host of Jay’s Analysis and the author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.

ClandesTime 119 – The Cinema of the Inside Job

The 1996 action thriller The Long Kiss Goodnight was only a modest commercial and critical success, but is a cult classic in the 9/11 ‘truth movement’ because it appears to predict the attacks. This week we analyse the film, its apparent predictive qualities, its commentary on the 1993 WTC bombing and its similarity to several CIA-assisted productions.

The ‘Race War’ Meme: And Truth About the CHARLOTTESVILLE Unrest and Attack…

It’s fair to say that what unfolded in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday is the kind of thing that has been expected for some time now. The ongoing inflamation of identity politics and provocation of divide-and-conquer or ‘strategy of tension’ conditioning has been paving the way for incidents like this one; with more probably to come. […]

Disney to Brzezinski: Full Spectrum Mind Control – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the legacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski and his role in promoting Technocracy and how it is being implemented through government agencies, corporations, NGOs, popular culture and entertainment.  We also cover the nefarious influence of Disney, its Pentagon and CIA origins and the power and provenance of MK Ultra.

CIA Mind Control, Phoenix Program & MPD/DID – Jay Dyer on Spearhead

Nick and Michael invited me back on the Spearhead Transmission Podcast to discuss my new projects and the endlessly fascinating topics of CIA mind control, the Phoenix Program and split personalities. We mention the work of Dr. Colin Ross, Hollywood celebs and the uncharted territory of the psyche.
Stream or download interview here