
UK threatens to block the placement of Russian Eurobonds

The UK-May government is mulling over moving their poisoning hoax hysteria into the realm of finance.
Britain wants to prevent the placement of Russian Eurobonds, which have helped bring tens of billions of dollars into the Russian budget.
Is this threat real or just more May and Boris hot air?
If the UK moves forward with such a provocative financial policy, how will Russia’s Central Bank respond?
Sputnik correspondent Natalya Dembinskaya reports

Brexit: 1.5 MILLION Want Second Vote, Farage Wanted Same for Small Margin

21st Century Wire says…
How supportive with Nigel Farage be now the shoe is on the other foot?
The UK voted to leave the EU by 52% to 48% in Thursday’s referendum but the majority of voters in London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backed Remain.
Now, a petition has been launched that is calling for a second referendum stating:

Brexit: “Everybody should be concerned, the dominoes are already falling.”

Stuart J. Hooper
21st Century Wire

Is it time to be worried?
In the following report from RT, financial expert and investor Jim Rogers says the Brexit is about to ’cause a storm that you need to be prepared for’.
Rogers details how the world was already falling into recession, and believes the Brexit is creating a panic in world markets that is going to cause financial chaos.