
From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism – Tübingen University talk

A lecture organised by University of Tübingen economics students, delivered on Monday February 3, 2020, on the theme “From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism”. Mainstream economic models lack some important features of really-existing capitalism, including money, time and space. Its models offer ideological cover for a capitalist system that has usurped competitive, […]

DiEM25-TV’s ANOTHER NOW is back, with an episode linking our anti-AMAZON campaign with visions of… Another Now

As our Progressive International campaign against Amazon is gathering pace, DiEM25-TV’s ANOTHER NOW is back. Our first episode of this season links our Amazon campaign with my vision of… Another Now – a democratic socialism that comes about as a result of such global campaigns against Techno-feudalism, the new mode of production that is already […]

Invited by Ian McMillan, along with a poet and an archaeologist, to discuss ANOTHER NOW – On BBC Radio 3’s The Verb

What might a zero-growth world mean for writers? The Verb offers this provocation to this week’s guests, and asks how poets in particular can adjust to a world economy that’s changing rapidly under long-down. Is there such a thing as a sustainable poem? Ian McMillan is joined by: Yanis Varoufakis, economist, author and member of […]

Discussing ANOTHER NOW with Joe Walker – The Jolly Swagman Podcast

The Triumph & Tragedy Of Capitalism – a conversation occasioned by my new book ANOTHER NOW: Dispatches from an Alternative Present Also listen on: iTunes: Website: Spotify: Show notes Selected links Follow Yanis: Website | Twitter Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present, by Yanis Varoufakis The Sovereignty of Good, by Iris Murdoch ‘Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: […]

A discussion I enjoyed hugely with Matthew Taylor of the Royal Society of the Arts on my ANOTHER NOW

  How can a Marxist-feminist, a libertarian ex-banker and a maverick technologist help us navigate our new future? Economist Yanis Varoufakis explains all. Global crises cause big changes and reveal deep structural weaknesses. In this special interview series from the RSA its chief executive, Matthew Taylor, puts a range of practitioners on the spot – from scholars to […]

Live discussion of ANOTHER NOW with Zoe Williams – A GUARDIAN LIVE event this Monday at 19.00GMT

In Another Now, Varoufakis imagines a post-capitalist democracy. Set in 2025, through three contrasting characters – a banker, a feminist and a technologist – he paints a radical and thought-provoking blueprint of how democratic socialism could work today, in a world without billionaires, stock markets or tech giants. Can we truly critique capitalism without genuinely considering the […]

The capitalism alternative in ANOTHER NOW – BBC World Service Business Daily 17 NOV 2020

With Covid rampaging and many economies on life-support, some say we need to look beyond capitalism. A blue-sky thinker, the outspoken former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, gives his thoughts on a radical alternative to standard market economics, including making all employees shareholders in corporations. And Miatta Fahnbulleh, chief executive of the New Economics Foundation, […]