Post-MinFin missives

The Labour Party’s 2016 NEW ECONOMICS lecture series: Mazzucato, Stiglitz, Varoufakis, Ha-Joon Chang et al

The UK’s Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, is convening a series of public lectures to broaden the debate around economics in Britain. “Economic Policy: from market fixing to market creating and shaping” with Mariana Mazzucato, RM Phillips Professor in the Economics of … Continue reading →

Europe under construction: Tonight in Munich, with Christian Ude

Moderation: Christian Ude Vortrag und Diskussion in englischer Sprache Unter dem Titel underconstruction: europe möchte das Muffatwerk in 2016 Persönlichkeiten einladen, die sich kritisch und wach mit dem Jetzt-Zustand Europas auseinandersetzen und einen ganz eigenen Blick auf die Gegenwart und … Continue reading →

On Spain, Greece, Italy and our plans for a European movement to democratise the EU – Interview: L’Espresso

The English text of the answers I sent to L’Espresso follows. The interview covers the Spanish elections, the latest from Greece’s never ending depression and, more importantly, a foreshadowing of the pan-European movement (not party!) that will be launched in … Continue reading →