Post-MinFin missives

Professorship Honoris Causa, International University College of Torino – report in La Stampa

Folla all’università di Torino per la lectio magistralis dell’ex ministro che racconta i duelli con Schäuble: «Gli dissi che le sue idee erano ottime per il Partito comunista cinese» SEPPE SALVAGGIULO, TORINO – Click here for La Stampa’s website or… «L’Unione … Continue reading →

Lectio Magistralis: DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE – The Political Economics of an Epic Struggle. March 17, Torino, Italy

PROFESSORSHIP HONORIS CAUSA & Lectio Magistralis  YANIS VAROUFAKIS has been appointed Professor Honoris Causa by the International University College di Torino. His Lectio Magistralis DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE, The Political Economics of an Epic Struggle will take place  on Thursday March 17, at 2:30 pm, in the … Continue reading →

Second Scottish independence referendum would be justifiable following Brexit – in The HeraldScotland

Click here for the HeraldScotland webpages. Or… Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s outspoken rock-star former finance minister, has said that a second Scottish independence would be “justified” and all but inevitable if the rest of the UK votes to leave the EU … Continue reading →

Real vs Money Incomes – the one thing we need to understand during deflationary times (with an illustration from Greece and Cyprus)

In inflationary times, real income growth is always good news. However, in deflationary times, real income growth may well reflect a deepening recession (or even a depression). This is important to know lest deepening recession is presented as… economic recovery … Continue reading →