
“Romanticism and War”: Contextualising a Theory of Interpretation

In 2014 I reviewed what was promoted as a significant revision in the interpretation of what in Britain and continental Europe is called “The Great War” and since 1945 has been popularly called the “First World War”.1 The revisionary aspect was the author’s contention — expressed in his title The Sleepwalkers — that the cause of the great slaughter between 1914 and 1918 was far less the intentions of the belligerents than their general incapacity to grasp

Neoliberalism Nakedly Exposed

A recent IMF study (June 2016) exposes flaws in neoliberal policy that have afflicted progressive issues for over 40 years. The title of the study itself “Neoliberalism: Oversold?” hints at the underlying thesis that something must be wrong. Why else pose the question?
“Instead of delivering growth, some neoliberal policies have increased inequality, in turn jeopardizing durable expansion.”1 Senator Bernie Sanders wholeheartedly agrees.

Ex-CIA officer to be extradited to Italy for role in Egyptian cleric kidnapping

RT | April 22, 2016 A former CIA officer, now residing in Portugal, faces extradition to Italy after her alleged involvement in the kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, otherwise known as Abu Omar, in Milan 13 years ago, The Washington Post reported. An Italian court convicted Sabrina De Sousa, 60, in […]