
Protestantism Vs Roman Catholicism: 2 Sides of the Same Coin – Jay Dyer

 Today I will be doing another deep dive into the dialectical dilapidation known as Protestantism and its Mother, the Latin Papal Church.  I will compare both historically, looking at the ancient canons, the Tradition of the Church, the imbalance between the one and the many, the hyper-centralized Vs. atomized structures of both, the bad […]

Spiritual Warfare & Historical Theology – Jay Dyer on Robyn Riley Rebel Podcast

Popular YouTuber Robyn Riley invited me on her channel to discuss Orthodoxy, how it contrasts with Roman Catholicism, philosophy, the weirdness of Hollywood, and more!  We cover Vatican I as contrasted with the canons of the ancient ecumenical councils, the nature of liturgical worship, the power of the demonic in the world of Roman Catholicism and the geopolitical corruption of the papacy.

Jay w/Tim Kelly: Islam, the Vatican and Religious Manipulation

Tim Kelly invited me back on his show Our Interesting Times to discuss Jihad, the history of the relationship of Islam and Christianity and the prevalence of false flags and staged terror.  We touch on ISIS, Iran, the Middle East, and then the plan to infiltrate and utilize the papacy on the part of Masonry and revolutionary secret societies.