Political Health

HUGE: Monsanto Sued for Dumping Carcinogenic Chemicals

It seems that Monsanto has been dumping banned, carcinogenic chemicals in the bay, and the city of San Diego isn’t too happy about it.
The city of San Diego and the San Diego Unified Port District filed a lawsuit on Monday against the biotech giant Monsanto, accusing the company for polluting the city’s bay for more than 30 years with a carcinogenic chemical that was long ago banned due to its abhorrent affects on human health.

Activists Push Dunkin’ Donuts to Drop Controversial Ingredient

With so many food providers/makers being pressured to make healthy product changes, it is becoming clear that 2015 is going to be the year for food reform. In one of the most recent food chain announcements, Dunkin’ Donuts says that it will soon remove a controversial ingredient from its doughnuts known as titanium dioxide.

Will Medical Marijuana Soon be Legalized Nationwide?

How  long will it be until the United States government recognizes cannabis as a medicinal, useful plant, and not just an abused drug? You’d be interested to know that states aren’t the only ones accepting cannabis in various forms – the  U.S. government is actually closer than ever to legalizing the plant. In fact, a group of bipartisan legislators have recently made an effort to propel medical marijuana to the top, legalizing the plant for medicinal purposes and protecting those working with it from federal consequences.

Bankrupt Detroit Still Paying For Fluoride – Even During Water Shut Down

As evidence and studies continue to mount against public water fluoridation, cities that continue to do so risk individual legal action for damages and human rights violations for force-medicating. In Detroit, after becoming the largest American city to file for bankruptcy, there is a move to quickly begin water shutoffs to “protect the city’s budget.” Yet there is still money to be found by the city to purchase hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) from private companies to add to the water supply. In fact, it’s mandated by Detroit city ordinance:

Hundreds of Farmers Occupy GMO Tree Approval, Force Cancellation

No Transgenic Eucalyptus (GMO trees) for Brazil, thanks to 300 farmers who took over the building and interrupted the meeting where GMO regulator – Brazil National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio) – was to decide about whether or not to plant biotech’s latest atrocity. These efforts along with over 1000 other activists have halted GMO trees in Brazil – at least for now.
In addition to the sit-in of the 300 farmers, 1000 women across Brazil took over operations of FuturaGene.