Political Health

Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Denmark Want to Discuss Potential HPV Vaccine Dangers

Open scientific discussions have been the goal of an organization called the UK Association for HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (HPV VID) as well as 2,019 people from 55 countries who have been injured due to an HPV vaccine. Freda Birrell spoke on the behalf of the organization to the Scottish government recently about the administration of HPV vaccines and their potential corresponding dangers.
HPV VID formed when families from Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland realized that they needed to unite forces to help bring awareness to HPV vaccine dangers.

Federal Judge Upholds Mexican GM Ban after over ‘100 Appeals by Biotech’

Opponents of growing genetically modified corn in Mexico, the country known for over 30 varieties of non-GM maize, have prevailed. A federal judge upheld a GM ban that was put in place years ago.
Mexico is known for its biodiversity, which supports numerous varieties of maize. It is in fact considered their birthplace, and if GM corn had not been banned, corn developed over thousands of years would be in jeopardy of cross-pollination.

Most of the Glyphosate Sprayed in CA is Applied in Poor Areas

The Center for Biological Diversity, the Center for Environmental Health, El Quinto Sol de America, Californians for Pesticide Reform, the Center for Food Safety and the Pesticide Action Network released a report earlier this week that claims that more than half of the glyphosate sprayed in California is applied to the state’s 8 most impoverished counties. [1]

First Senate Agricultural Committee Meeting in 10 Years Cheers GMOs, Ignores Dangers

The U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry held a biotechnology hearing for the first time in 10 years last week to discuss the future of food technology as the industry responds to increased demand, production challenges, and consumers’ calls for a safe and transparent food supply. But the meeting came up short on transparency and carried on more like a Monsanto share-holders meeting than an unbiased inquiry into the pros and cons of biotechnology where it concerns the food supply.

Biotech Stocks Tumble After Major Corp Dubbed “Pharmaceutical Enron”

GM and biotech companies responsible for inflated pharmaceutical prices were already taking a beating on the stock market, but after the latest report from Citron Research classifying Valeant Pharmaceuticals Intl Inc as a “pharmaceutical Enron,” the whole sector has come tumbling down like the house of cards it truly is.