
2022’s Danger Signs

The danger signs were everywhere in 2022. With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, we were reminded that in the eyes of the government and its corporate accomplices, “we the […]
The post 2022’s Danger Signs first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Wieambilla Killings

The contradiction behind the messages is clear. This was a “sophisticated” operation involving surveillance. It was planned. Those unfortunate police officers were lured to an isolated Queensland property where they were “executed”. The details were initially sketchy, but that did not prevent the general sentiment from simmering away: this was, in the words of a […]
The post The Wieambilla Killings first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Picking a Side

Nearly 200 years in, the Monroe Doctrine has had a devastating track record in the Western hemisphere. This bloody history of gringo imperialism has produced strains of left-wing populism, which have become strong political forces in the region. Unfortunately for anarchists and other revolutionaries, these leftist political regimes have tended towards either resisting the US […]
The post Picking a Side first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Yes, Jesus Would Have Been Branded a Domestic Extremist Today

When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the […]
The post Yes, Jesus Would Have Been Branded a Domestic Extremist Today first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Make Way for the Killer Robots: The Government Is Expanding Its Power to Kill

John & Nisha Whitehead The purpose of a good government is to protect the lives and liberties of its people. Unfortunately, we have gone so far in the opposite direction from the ideals of a good government that it’s hard to see how this trainwreck can be redeemed. It gets worse by the day. For instance, despite …

When Each “Side” sees the Other as “Brainwashed”

When Occupy Wall Street (OWS) was still in Zuccotti Park, I became close friends with a woman named Ashley. She shared a thought-provoking anecdote with me. But first, some context: Firstly, as some of you may know, there was always a massive police presence surrounding the park at all times. The vibe was mutually confrontational […]
The post When Each “Side” sees the Other as “Brainwashed” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Auditing the Police - #SolutionsWatch

[iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/lrzBOxBdNLWx/" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
The agents of the government claim the right to audit you, right? But they're our "public servants," aren't they? So surely we can audit them to make sure they are doing their job, can't we? And if not, why not? Join James for this important edition of #SolutionsWatch as we dive into the wild and wooly world of sousveillance, copwatching and public servant auditing.

Aurélien Vitrac, juge d'instruction : "Cette réforme de la police judiciaire est dangereuse"

Aurélien Vitrac, juge d'instruction et délégué régional adjoint du syndicat la magistrature, estime qu'il y a une perte de l'unité de l'enquête sur des faits très graves comme de gros trafics en bande organisée ou des délits financiers importants (...) Cette réforme cherche à déshabiller cette unité d'élite pour colmater les trous de la police du quotidien. En fait le gouvernement veut mettre les escrocs fortunés à l'abri des poursuites judiciaires. C'est une forme de mesure (...)
