police state

Texas Police Made Over $50 Million in 2017 From Seizing People’s Property

(TT) — In February 2016, prosecutors in Houston filed a lawsuit against a truck: State of Texas vs. One 2003 Chevrolet Silverado. Houston police had seized the vehicle after surveilling its driver, Macario Hernandez, and pulling him over after he left his house. They took the truck to court, hoping to keep it or sell it […]

Two US Police Departments Cancel Training With Israel

(MEMO) — Two police departments in the New England region of the United States canceled their annual visit to Israeli police forces and engagement in training, amid pressure from organisations affiliated with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The Vermont State Police and the Northampton Police Department in Massachusetts both canceled their planned trip to Israel for […]

AltRight Truth - James Fields' Trial Begins in Charlottesville: But What Really Happened? - Hour 1

James Alex Fields' murder trial has begun in Charlottesville. We try to get to the root of what really happened to Fields and why he drove his car into the crowd after the "Unite The Right" rally in August 2017. AltRight Truth joins Henrik to talk about his independent research and analysis of the available material.
A video version of this show is available here.

Rule Number One: ‘Don’t Talk to the Police’

Regent University School of Law Professor James Duane presents a list of legal reasons why Americans should always exercise their 5th Amendment rights when questioned by police or government officials. Amazingly, the majority of convictions are, in part, a result self-incrimination on some level. Learn how to avoid those outcomes. Watch:

“Siri, I’m Getting Pulled Over”: New App Can Automatically Record Police

(TMU) — Civilian body cams are now a reality thanks to Apple’s recent introduction of a new feature called Shortcuts to iOS 12. The app allows iPhone users to create customized commands that can be activated by either pressing a button or using Siri. The app allows users to stitch together other apps to create […]

Fracking Protestors Jailed: British State Has Now Criminalized Peaceful Protests

Since when did peaceful environmental protests become a criminal act punishable by jail sentence? Answer: since 2018.
Last week, Simon Roscoe Blevins, 26, Richard Roberts, 36, and Rich Loizou, 31 (pictured above), were the first environmental protesters since 1932 to receive a jail sentence for a conscientious demonstration.

John McAfee Says There’s a Darker Side to Presidential Alert Texts

(ANTIMEDIA) — Following the presidential alert sent to millions of Americans’ phones on Wednesday, cybersecurity expert and former presidential candidate John McAfee tweeted a dire warning: The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones – giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. […]