police state

Not In My Name: Academics Publicly Attacking UN Torture Rapporteur

I am a survivor of rape, gang rape and the abusive police process I was subjected to when I reported it and I am fed up with watching sexual violence being used as a cover for political attacks on Julian Assange, ais colleagues and his supporters.
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Alabama Passes New Law Allowing a Church to Create Its Own Police Force

(TMU) — The separation of church and state in the United States has taken yet another blow—this time in Alabama. Republican Governor Kay Ivey has signed legislation allowing a Presbyterian Church to perform state-like functions by establishing its own police force for its churches and schools. The law, which was approved during the most recent legislative […]

Black Drivers in Missouri 91% More Likely to Be Pulled Over by Police

(CD) — Black drivers in Missouri are nearly twice as likely to be pulled over than white drivers, according to a new report by the state’s attorney general. The report, released Monday by the office of Attorney General Eric Schmitt, found that black drivers had a 91 percent higher chance of being pulled over than their […]

Veteran Who Died Mysteriously in Police Custody Returned to Family Missing Brain, Heart, and Throat

(TMU) — On April 9, 2018, the Palmers experienced every family’s worst nightmare. Everett Palmer Jr., a veteran and father of two children, had died while in police custody, they were told. Months later, the family was just as shocked when an independent pathologist said Palmer’s body was missing its throat, heart, and brain. Two […]

Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It

We have been watching the slow-motion assassination of Julian Assange.They have been choking him to death by tactical psyops, siege tactics, and wilful neglect as surely as if they placed a noose tied around his neck, not just in Belmarsh Prison but in the embassy as well. The only difference between his execution and someone on death row is the same as the difference between covert and overt warfare, which makes sense because the intelligence, judicial and military agencies who are carrying out his death sentence operate within the same power structure which carries out war.

Turkey is Holding Thousands of Prisoners in Solitary Confinement Under Erdogan

(TM) – Thousands of prisoners are being held in solitary confinement in Turkey under conditions so harsh that some prisoners consider dying by suicide, Deutsche Welle Turkish service reported Tuesday. There are no official figures on the number of prisoners in solitary confinement or how many people die by suicide in prisons in Turkey, but observers told […]

Google Tracks Your Location and Shares It With Police, Even When Your Phone is Off

Even if you disable GPS, deactivate phone location tracking, and turn off your phone, it’s still possible for Google and the NSA to monitor your every move. (TMU) — Over the last two decades, cell phone use has become an everyday part of life for the vast majority of people around the planet. Nearly without question, […]

DHS to Face-Scan 97% of International Travelers Within Four Years

(ZH) – The Department of Homeland Security says that facial recognition technology will be used on 97% of passengers departing the US by 2023, according to The Verge. Already deployed in seventeen international airports, including Atlanta, New York City, Boston, San Jose, Chicago, and two airports in Houston, DHS systems will photograph and scan passengers at their departure gate, cross-referencing their face […]