police state

How the U.S. Regime and Its Allies Enforce Their Smears and Their Other Lies

Without enforced suppression of truth, there would be no way that the U.S. and its allied regimes could continue hiding the lies that were behind their invasions of Iraq in 2003, and of Syria since 2012, and their coup against Ukraine in 2014, and also of their takeovers and attempted takeovers of other countries that had refused to be bullied by the U.S.

Pelosi and Democrat ‘Resistance’ Hand Trump a Blank Cheque for New Police State

It is interesting to note that with all the talk of ‘Resistance’ and impeachment of President Trump coming from the Democrat side of the aisle in Washington DC, when it comes to legislation and run-away spending bills – there seems to be little or no resistance to Trump’s agenda of militarizing US society and deploying more US assets to various foreign bases, and even into outer space. 

How Americans Have Been Conditioned to Support the Police State

The Free Thought Project

The exile of prisoners to a distant place, where they can ‘pay their debt to society,’ make themselves useful, and not contaminate others with their ideas or their criminal acts, is a practice as old as civilization itself. The rulers of ancient Rome and Greece sent their dissidents off to distant colonies. Socrates chose death over the torment of exile from Athens. The poet Ovid was exiled to a fetid port on the Black Sea.”— Anne Applebaum, Gulag: A History