police state

L.A. Mayor Says Water & Power Will be Shut Off for Non-Essential Businesses that Don’t Close

The mayor said that water and power would be turned off for nonessential businesses to force them to close. He called the businesses that have yet to close "irresponsible and selfish.” While small business owners are fighting for economic survival, the Mayor enjoys a handsome salary with no interruptions or reductions.

Cop Out: Will Coronavirus Hysteria Open Door to Full-Blown Martial Law in America?

Amid rumors of a national lock-down, and the National Guard already activated in states across the country, rumors are rife that the land of the free will soon be cordoned off behind an iron curtain of martial law.
Although there have been just 258 reported deaths from coronavirus in the United States, Pentagon officials announced Friday it is drafting plans to take over hotels, college campuses, sports facilities and other buildings “if necessary” to help hospitals accommodate patients.

The Trump Plan is Just a Cover for Israel’s Final Land Grab

The Trump “Vision for Peace” will never be implemented – and not because the Palestinians reject it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s enthusiastic public embrace of the plan belies the fact that the Israeli right detest it too.
The headlines are that, with US blessing, Israel’s dream is about to be realised: it will be able to annex its dozens of illegal settlements in the West Bank and the vast agricultural basin of the Jordan Valley. In return, the Palestinians can have a state on 15 per cent of their homeland.