police state

George Floyd: What ‘Defund the Police’ Really Means

Now in the third week of the aftermath of the George Floyd incident at the hands of the Minneapolis police, America has descended into a mire of  protests, rioting and looting – all in the name of ‘social justice.’ But things haven’t stopped there. Radical activists are now demanding the abolition of police departments across the country. Is “Black Lives Matter” now a political party? What is their real end game?
According to political commentator Tucker Carlson, this is not politics as usual, it’s mob rule. Watch:

Trump’s Path to Historical Ignominy

History has always treated harshly those tyrants and strongmen who have been gratuitously violent toward their subjects and citizens and believed in purposely creating misery for their charge. Donald John Trump, the third impeached president of the United States, decided to clear peaceful protesters gathered a full block from the White House, so he could have his photograph taken standing in front of a church. It was not any church, but St. John’s Episcopal Church, dubbed the “Church of the Presidents,” owing to the several chief executives who have worshiped there over the decades.

The Establishment Only Dislikes Trump Because He Puts an Ugly Face on the Empire

Barack Obama has given his perfunctory speech about the Black Lives Matter protests taking place in America today, and it was every bit as full of pretty words and empty of actual substance as you’d expect from a president who spent eight years stagnating the progressive movement with empty hope narrative while advancing the same murderous oppressive agendas as his predecessors.