police state

A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism

A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism by Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute October 16, 2021   For Americans watching the shocking re-Nazification of Germany – where once again the ability to even buy food depends on a person’s physiological/medical status – it may be tempting to downplay the re-emergence of a nasty German political virus and

Australia Building Quarantine Camps for “Ongoing Operations”

Australia Building Quarantine Camps for “Ongoing Operations” Facility being built to house those “who have not had access to vaccination.” by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News October 14, 2021   Despite some states tentatively beginning to lift lockdown restrictions, Australian authorities are building quarantine camps that won’t be completed until next year in order to

Australia Now Building Large Quarantine Camps For Unvaxxed Travelers

Australia is rapidly turning into a dystopian police state that is larger in scope than any seen before in history. However, other nations are following suit with "quarantine camps" that target unvaccinated travelers and other high-risk individuals. Once in place, these "centers" can be repurposed for any whim of government edicts - and therein lies the great danger.

Texas Governor Bans ALL Vaccine Mandates

Texas Governor Bans ALL Vaccine Mandates “No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a Covid-19 vaccination by any individual” by Steve Watson, Summit News October 12, 2021   In direct defiance of the Biden administration, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has banned any entity from trying to impose a vaccine mandate in the state. Abbot issued
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From the Streets of Victoria, Australia: “We Are Now in Deep Trouble Here… This Is a Fight for Our Souls and Our Humanity.”

From the Streets of Victoria, Australia: “We Are Now in Deep Trouble Here… This Is a Fight for Our Souls and Our Humanity.” by Nelleus, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light October 12, 2021   We are nearing the mid-point in October 2021 and I think we are now in deep trouble here. What

Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best

Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute October 12, 2021   “Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across

The Great New Normal Purge

The Great New Normal Purge by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory, Inc. October 12, 2021   So, the Great New Normal Purge has begun … right on cue, right by the numbers. As we “paranoid conspiracy theorists” have been warning would happen for the past 18 months, people who refuse to convert to the new official ideology
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The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion? by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity October 11, 2021   The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it has spilled out into the open, threatening to completely
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Sen. Rand Paul on Criminalizing Dissent: ‘Be Afraid Of Your Government’

Sen. Rand Paul is fearless in calling out the government that he is still part of: The Department of Justice has just criminalized legitimate dissent. The move is patently illegal but the damage is done,  emboldening school boards to report dissenters they don't like to local and federal agencies for harassment and punishment.   

Department of Justice Slams First Amendment, Claims Parents Are Engaged in “Domestic Terrorism and Hate Crimes”

Department of Justice Slams First Amendment, Claims Parents Are Engaged in “Domestic Terrorism and Hate Crimes” by Patrick Wood, Citizens for Free Speech October 6, 2021   Parents across the nation are outraged that their own Department of Justice has been weaponized against them, claiming that school board critics and protestors are charged with being