police state

In 2023 It Will Be Nearly Impossible to Avoid Facial Recognition in the U.S.

As more airports in the United States adopt facial recognition technology, the privacy of Americans is once again threatened. In early December, The Washington Post reported that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration is beginning to test new facial recognition tools at 16 major domestic airports. The WaPo reported: “The Transportation Security Administration has been quietly Read More...

Israel Deports Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer, After Holding Him Without Charge

Israel expelled a Palestinian human rights lawyer from Jerusalem to France, citing an alleged terror threat from the 37-year-old. The move has been condemned by Paris, which has labelled the decision as being a violation of International Law, but what else does this incident say about the predicament of Palestinians from the Holy City? Salah Read More...

Derrick Broze Interview – How To Opt Out Of The Technocratic State

Joining me today is founder and editor of The Conscious Resistance and writer for The Last American Vagabond, Derrick Broze, here to discuss the release of the second edition of “How To Opt Out Of The Technocratic State” and just how important this prescient book is for those trying to resist the building authoritarianism we Read More...

New Zealand has gone full police state🧐

New Zealand has gone full police state🧐Anyone with a different POV is an enemy. New Zealand govt booklets being released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing govt policies, incl COVID measures, they should be reported as terrorists 🔊 pic.twitter.com/SdBDk2P8Ux — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) December 17, 2022

Morocco’s FIFA World Cup Victories Defeat Israeli Normalization Efforts

Last Saturday, Morocco’s national football team defeated Portugal in the FIFA World Cup, resulting in celebrations throughout the Arab World. One of those celebrations took place in Jerusalem, where Palestinians hoisting up the Moroccan flag were dispersed and attacked by Israeli occupying police forces. Morocco has been the star of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Read More...