police state

Fact Checking Reuters On Palestine And The Attempt To Censor Palestinian Identity

A recent series of events in Palestine-Israel have gone underreported in Western corporate media, while the same big-tech that virtue signals about being opposed to bigotry takes racist steps to erase Palestinian identity. Reuters, one of the most trusted media sources on the planet did not fact-check its reporting on the murder of a Palestinian Read More...

Shady elites launch all-out war on free speech

from WND: Tucker Carlson: ‘That’s the end of the First Amendment’ “Election denier.” “Science denier.” “Climate-change denier.” “Conspiracy theorist.” “Hate speech.” “Fake news.” “Disinformation.” “Misinformation.” “Malinformation.” A bizarre new lexicon has been conjured up by America’s elites, the sole purpose of which is to discredit and ridicule – and if at all possible, censor entirely – speech that […]

James Fetzer on the Nashville Transgender School Shooter Hoax

James Fetzer on the Nashville Transgender School Shooter Hoax by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare May 22, 2023   James Fetzer has chatted to me many times. His conversations are always explosive. I strongly recommend listening to his analyses of 9/11, Sandy Hook and staged mass shootings. They are all red pill conversations. Paradigm shifts have become a big thing

Paul James with Reinette Senum on The History of Our Enslavement in America Under the Guise of Democracy

Paul James with Reinette Senum on The History of Our Enslavement in America Under the Guise of Democracy The Lost Political History of America is Revealed If you are wondering why we have no representation these days… Paul James unravels a history where America went from being a Republic to a defacto corporate, municipal government.

WATCH: Cops Raid LEGAL Cannabis Farm and Execute Man’s Leashed Dog

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: Trinity County, CA — In an infuriating and utterly horrifying incident that lays bare the problematic reality of America’s drug war, law enforcement authorities with a search warrant on a state-licensed cannabis farm in rural Trinity County near Hayfork, fatally shot the cultivator’s dog on May 2. This […]

Andrew Napolitano on Pegasus & Predator Spy Systems: The Feds and Their Copycats 

Andrew Napolitano on Pegasus & Predator Spy Systems: The Feds and Their Copycats The Feds and Their Copycats  by Andrew P. Napolitano, Judge Napolitano May 18, 2023   The federal government recently revealed that at least 50 U.S. government personnel working in 10 foreign countries have had their mobile devices hacked by unknown persons who

TSA Pilot-Tests Controversial Facial Recognition Technology at These 16 US Airports

TSA Pilot-Tests Controversial Facial Recognition Technology at These 16 US Airports by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge May 18, 2023   The next time you find yourself at airport security, prepare to look directly into a camera. The Transportation Security Administration is quietly testing controversial facial recognition technology at airports nationwide. AP News said 16 airports, including Baltimore-Washington

Business As Usual: The American police state will continue to spread its wings whether the government is shut down or not

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann: Author and veteran constitutional attorney John Whitehead is one of my heroes. Why? Because, unlike many commentators, essayists, journalists, etc., Whitehead doesn’t pull his punches. He’s a realist who gives the whole truth about America, not just bits and pieces of truth interspersed with nuggets of false hope about a […]