police state

WATCH: Cop Shoots Innocent Unarmed Man in the Back, Paralyzes Him — Taxpayers to Be Held Liable

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: Paterson, NJ — On the night he opened fire on Khalif Cooper, moments before pulling the trigger, Officer Jerry Moravek claimed the unarmed man had a gun. Even after he shot Cooper multiple times in the back, Moravek maintained that Cooper was armed. But this wasn’t true. Now, […]

The U.S. State Dept. Is The “Ministry of Truth”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: The United States ruling class has already decided it will use brainwashing and propaganda to maintain and expand its power. It’s gotten so bad, that Russia is saying the U.S. State Department is the “Ministry of Truth”. U.S. rulers are urging the country’s media outlets to propagate falsehoods about Russia […]

2.3 Billion Digital COVID Certificates Issued

by Robert Carlson, MD, Vax Before Travel: GENEVA (Vax Before Travel) The World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission (EC) recently confirmed the launching of a digital health partnership that will help protect people from ongoing and future health threats, including pandemics. The WHO’s first use case is the convergence of existing digital COVID-19 certificates. The WHO took […]

Freddie Ponton Interview – What Is Really Happening In France?

Joining me today Freddie Ponton, here to discuss what’s really going on in France, and break down the many different factors at play. We of course discuss the many false and misleading narratives circulating within the two party paradigm and postulate about why this may be happening, and what it may be covering up.  (https://odysee.com/@TLAVagabond:5) Read More...

Street Protests In France Do Not Represent “An Invasion”, It Is The Other Way Around

The riots and widespread street protests across France, following the murder of an unarmed 17-year-old, Nahel Merzouk, at a traffic stop, has sent shockwaves throughout a nation that has already been struck by instability. However, the way that the unrest is being reported in many media outlets is misleading and refuses to give proper context Read More...

FBI Tip of the Iceberg

by K.M. Stewart, NSA Intel Analyst, ret., Activist Post: As of late 2022, multiple FBI whistleblowers have gone to congressional representatives like Jim Jordan and Charles Grassley to report that not only is the FBI purging Conservatives and Christians from their ranks, but that the FBI Field Office in DC has ordered field offices all […]

Jenin War Crimes, French Regime Change, Zaporizhzhia False Flag & The Philadelphia Trans Shooter

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

Podcast – Marissa Barrera – How To Fight Back When Cops Kill Your Brother & Cover It Up

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: In this revealing episode, Jason and Matt host Marissa Barrera, the dedicated sister of Michael Barrera, tragically killed by the Woodland Police Department. They delve into the disturbing details surrounding Michael’s death and the cover-up attempts that followed. Marissa, driven by her loss, established the organization “Voices of […]

Israel Launches Military Operation On Jenin And Commits War Crimes With US Blessing

On Sunday night the Israeli military officially launched a targeted military operation against the city of Jenin, located in the northern occupied West Bank, in an effort to score political points for the Netanyahu government and collectively punish the inhabitants of the area for resisting. This assault came as the direct result of a failed Read More...