police state

LAPD Cracks down on… Jaywalkers

ED: Living in LA in the 1980′s / 90′s I became so scared of getting busted for “Jay-Walking” that when I went to NY (where you have to cross against lights to even get around) I could not function…. Should police have better things to do? Is this just another way to get in your business, and do a little fishing? Yep
Don’t pay the Ticket…. Go to JAIL!

Edward Snowden’s Heroic Work: Our Media Must Match His Courage

As citizens, the questions we face become more broad and cut to the very core of what it means to live in a democracy: What is the impact to businesses when Internet traffic and private networks are breached or they’re required to provide backdoors or hackable vulnerabilities in their products? What will become of our relationship to technology if no one trusts the platforms we use all day long? What is the impact on personal relationships when NSA employees are able to monitor loved ones’, co-workers’ or enemies’ Internet traffic?

18 Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies arrested for Corruption, and Abuse

ED: Its about time! LA County Jail is a horror show! The fresh fish deputies are trained to be abusive to inmates, and only after they’ve proven that they can be complete animals; are they allowed to hit the streets on patrol in LA. Whether the incarcerated are in for a Seat Belt violation or murder…. It is Hell on earth.