police state

The anti-fracking activist barred from 312.5 sq miles of Pennsylvania

Vera Scroggins, an outspoken opponent of fracking, is legally barred from the new county hospital. Also off-limits, unless Scroggins wants to risk fines and arrest, are the Chinese restaurant where she takes her grandchildren, the supermarkets and drug stores where she shops, the animal shelter where she adopted her Yorkshire terrier, bowling alley, recycling centre, golf club, and lake shore.

Cut Off the NSA’s Juice

Serving the warfare state and overall agendas for U.S. global dominance to the benefit of corporate elites, the NSA persists in doing violence to the Constitution’s civil-liberties amendments -- chilling the First, smashing the Fourth and end-running the Fifth.

Meanwhile, a nascent constellation of movements is striving to thwart the surveillance state, the shadowy companion of perpetual war.

This is a struggle for power over what kind of future can be created for humanity.

AZ Cops caught on Camera – Lied about Street Killing after Chase (video)

A few weeks ago In Pinal County, Arizona a man was shot and killed after leading police on a high speed chase and then seemingly resisting arrest. At the time of the shooting the county Sheriff’s office said, “Officers and deputies attempted to use less lethal means to take him into custody including firing several bean bag rounds and Taser deployments. The suspect refused to obey the commands and suddenly reached back into the vehicle. A deputy felt the suspect was reaching for the gun he reportedly had, so he then fired two rounds.”

Elite Historian Acts as Gatekeeper of Liberalism, Attempts to Discredit Assange, Greenwald & Snowden

Journalist Chris Hedges has written that the current liberal class is “expected to mask the brutality of imperial war and corporate malfeasance by deploring the most egregious excesses whiles studiously refusing to question the legitimacy of the power elite’s actions and structures. When dissidents step outside these boundaries, they become pariahs.

Low Flying DHS Copters stage ‘Nuke Drill’ over Baltimore

Reminiscent of 1984?
This DHS Chopper harassed us for HOURS from around 100 ft at Ed and Elaine Brown’s home in 2007 (click on pic for story)
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Protecting Baltimore from a nuclear attack. Homeland Security officials will conduct tests this week that could save lives and they’ll be done from a helicopter flying extremely low over the city.